“Iceman: it’s the way he flies, ice cold, no mistakes … ” That quote is right out of Top Gun and if you’ve ever seen Levi Faust skate, then you know it describes him perfectly. His focus is impeccable. You can see it in his face as he rolls up to a spot, feet perfectly placed, eyes locked on the target. He understands skating like most can never comprehend. I think it’s all the sugar he eats. King-Size chocolate bars are like jet fuel for Faust. He’ll always be the first one down to skate every day, any spot: it just doesn’t matter to him, as long as we’re skating. Most of the time when I’m skating with Faust, I end up laughing in amazement as he fires off trick after trick with flawless victory.
Now I’m not just going to sit here and blow sunshine up Faust’s ass, I just can’t think of anything else to say. Faust is kind of a tough subject to describe. It’s kind of like you just see it and it’s awesome. But that’s enough ass-kissing for now. I’ll leave it up to Faust to tell us the rest.
SLUG: Who gave you the nickname ‘Ice Man?’
Faust: EJ saw me with a fro and thought I looked like Val Kilmer from Top Gun.
SLUG: You do fly pretty high.
Faust: Then Antho gave me the nickname ‘Beavis.’ It sucked ‘cause when Dead Lung and I are together, we look exactly like Beavis and Butthead.
SLUG: Didn’t EJ help you get a job at Dan Jones and Associates?
Faust: Yeah, I only worked there for like two hours doing door-to-door survey shit.
SLUG: How many other SLC skaters can you name that have worked there?
Faust: Dirty, Isaiah, Dirk, Hess, EJ, Neals, Spencer, Hubble ... I know there are others.
SLUG: I heard you might be going on a Skull Candy trip, what’s the story behind that?
Faust: If it happens, it’s a road trip for Lizard, Caleb and myself. They are going to rent us a big RV and we’ll possibly go out to Oregon and up to Washington. It’s a ways out though, if it goes down …
SLUG: How did this come about?
Faust: Filmer homie Roice just wanted to get a bunch of clips from some locals. I was the only one that actually hit him up to go skating. We got some good stuff he was stoked on. Then he took me up to the Skull Candy warehouse and let me rape the shop.
SLUG: I’ve heard you’ve never had a full part in any video, but have clips with just about every filmer. When are you going to have your first part?
Faust: Never, maybe. I might just have clips in people’s parts forever. I’m satisfied with that. I feel weird watching myself skate.
SLUG: What’s your favorite movie?
Faust: Hot Tub Time Machine, I love that movie, it’s so funny.
SLUG: What’s your favorite candy bar?
Faust: Symphony.
SLUG: Does it sing to you every time you bite into it?
Faust: Yeah. I bought four of the giant ones yesterday.
SLUG: Did you eat all of them already?
Faust: I’ve got one left.
SLUG: Just for the record, how much candy have you had today?
Faust: Two Twix, King-Size Snickers, five Gatorades, Sour Spaghetti, Sour Patch Kids, a Symphony and a coffee toffee ice cream from Wendy’s.
SLUG: Do you ever eat normal food?
Faust: I think I had a JBC and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese for breakfast.
SLUG: Did you put Sour Patch Kids on the bagel?
Faust: No I didn’t, but that’s a good idea.
SLUG: What about a Symphony bagel?
Faust: Whoa! I have a big ass Symphony bar at my house, I’m going to do that. Put the Symphony in the microwave for about ten seconds then smear it on the bagel with cream cheese. Whoaaaaaa.
BC/Bones riders Tyson Bowerbank and Adam Dyet are putting some serious miles on the card, rambling through the Bones premiere tour, hitting up Utah this weekend after a successful trip to Denver last Saturday.
Check out the Bones Video this Friday at:
Fine Arts Auditorium
375 S 1530 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Call 571.643.3248 for more info
Doors @ 7 p.m.