Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Coalatree Rockies Trippin' Tour Video

Check out Coalatree team riders Jimmy Lannon, Ryan Lay, Zach Lyons, and Ryan Spencer as they make their way from Colorado to Utah. A lot of awesome skating filmed and edited by our good friend, Brock Nielsen.

Make sure to check The Skateboard Mag Issue 117 for all the photos of the trip by Rodent and Bob Plumb

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Jimmy Lannon and Forrest Huber Skate Salt Lake City - A to B

Jimmy Lannon and Mike Atwood recently made it to Salt Lake City to film some stuff for Coalatree, and an A to B video for the Ride Channel. They also got Forrest Huber into the mix with some really cool clips for this A to B. This video captures skating around Salt Lake City perfectly; cruising around, keeping it spontaneous, and skating whatever comes your way. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Jeffrey Delbert: "Call It Venting"

Here is Delbert's part from "Call It Venting." His part also includes a few clips of Garrison Conklin and Jovi Bathemess.
Video by: Joey Sandoval

Saturday, September 28, 2013

"DIY Spots: If You Build It They Will Come" Outtakes

Here is a rad photo of Sean Winskowski that didn't make into the September issue of SLUG Magazine.

FS Rock. Photo: Jake Vivori

Matt and Sean put in some work getting this thing built at 600 N. Really stoked to see more and more DIY spots pop up around the valley.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Chopin the City

"Chopin the City" is an edit documenting one evening skateboarding downtown Salt Lake City with Garrison Conklin, Forrest Huber, Eric Nguyen, and Glenn Calvert. Edited by Forrest Huber.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

DIY Spots: If You Build It, They Will Come.

Check out Sean and Matt Winskowski in the September issue of SLUG Magazine.
Photos: Jake Vivori.

It’s past the dog days of summer, and you’re getting tired of riding your favorite parks in the blistering heat. The best street spots are crowded with people and are on high patrol by The Fuzz. What do you do now? The answer is to go out and Do It Yourself! That’s right, strap on your thinking cap, fight off the haze that the PBRs and wacky tobaccy have left lingering on your brain this summer and put your creative mind to work. Do It Yourself, or DIY, spots have always been a part of skateboarding and the progression that lies within it. Chances are, if you have ever stepped on a skateboard and at least tried to do something with it, you have probably done some DIY work yourself. Whether it was waxing a curb, building a backyard ramp, or sacking yourself on a homemade rail, you have done it yourself. The DIY attitude has grown quite a bit over the years, with people building entire parks themselves, mostly with nothing but concrete, chicken wire and a case of beer. Given Salt Lake’s broad surroundings of everything from the industrial parts of Downtown to the outdoor scenery of the Wasatch, we decided to go on an excursion of our own to see what the DIY craze was all about. We recruited some comrades along the way, whose names will remain a mystery, given the circumstances, as will the locations of the places we visited. Nothing comes cheap in this world, so get out there and go get it.

Skaters are a funny breed. The way a skater sees his or her surrounding environment is a way that few people see it, but, if you’re a skater, you know what I am talking about. Says our comrade, “You go down alleys you would never usually go down. You see things like barriers or ledges and you see something completely different than other people. There is so much potential in things that most people don’t even really look at.” These creative concepts of the environment have helped to spawn the ever-forward progression that is skateboarding, as well as the ideas for public skateparks. These potential skate spots also seem to always need to be tweaked or worked on a little bit. Or maybe they need to be created into something different altogether. That is where a DIY skate spot is born. There is nothing more American than crafting a masterpiece with your own bare hands for future skateboarding to take place upon. Our personal mission on this day led us to the scene of an unfinished spot that our comrade thought needed a bit more work. With some bags of Sakrete, water buckets, trowels and wishful thinking loaded up, we were off to finish what had been started.

Rock n' Roll: Sean Winskowski

We got to work pretty quickly, pouring and shaping the spot up to be something great. The classic Jersey barrier setup was the backing support and lip to what the brains of the operation would shape into a quarter pipe. Getting on the top of the barrier was the plan, but it was definitely not for the faint of heart. It is amazing what can be accomplished by a couple of skate heads with determination and creativity in their minds. “You watch videos of spots people have made, and it’s like, ‘Why can’t I do that?’” says our comrade. This is a prime example of just how creatively the skater’s mind works. With 15 years on the plank, our comrade was very familiar with the process of working hard to accomplish something new and fun. I mean, hell, when you find enjoyment out of flipping a piece of plywood around for hours on end, while continually putting dents and dings into your shins and other body parts, you know you are a little bit special.

DIY spots are much more than just hard work—they are also a source of inspiration. There are no rules to it and no one stopping you from doing it. Unless, of course, you are on someone else’s property, which is the case 99 percent of the time with skateboarding, but that is a slight detail. “You need to have a good location. You can’t just build anywhere, or you’ll be getting destruction-of-property tickets all day,” says our comrade. “Get a good location and just try it. You can build something and make it your own and then have the satisfaction that you created something.” Building skate spots is a trial-and-error kind of thing, and, usually, the structure does not stay around forever. The process is a learning experience within itself. “It’s just like starting a new job. You learn and start doing things, and you start becoming a master at it and start perfecting it. It may not be there forever, but you teach yourself something new,” says our comrade.

Our travels this day concluded with our arrival at a fairly new backyard ramp that our comrade had a hand in, as did some other skilled day laborers and beer drinkers. Backyard ramps are another means of a DIY spot without the risk of the public eye glaring at you. There are not many things in this world better than getting a good group together to barbecue and skate a ramp all day. “In the past two years, I have met probably 15 different people with ramps in their backyards. They are all really good people—they are all friends with each other. We all love skating and love the same kind of music. I’ve become part of this collective of people with the craziest ramps and bowls, right here in the valley,” says our comrade. Aside from the satisfaction of creating something yourself, DIY spots and ramps help make the skate community what it is. If you’re a person who is lacking friends in this valley, put a ramp in your yard! Chances are, you’ll be flooded with more friends than you can handle in no time.

DIY spots are always going to be a part of skating. Whether it is legal or not, skaters going out and doing what they love will never be stopped. If you are a person who is thinking about doing something of your own, go out and do it. Obviously, putting a concrete ledge in the middle of 700 East is not the best idea, but putting in hard work to make something of your own to skate is a great idea. Portland has Burnside and Philly has FDR. Both were started from nothing more than a bag of concrete and a bright idea. Without further adieu, grab some chicken wire and some concrete of your own and go get it. If you want something done in this world, you got to do it yourself!

Back Disaster: Sean Winskowski

Full article can be seen here.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Spitfire Formula-Four Wheels

The Spitfire Formula-Four wheels are on there way! We were fortunate enough to try these out over the past month, and they are no joke. The wheels come in a 99a, and a 101a. Also, available in various shapes (classic, full, tablet) and sizes (51mm-58mm).

BC Spitfire Formula Four Wheels from bc sandy on Vimeo.

No matter the terrain these wheels held up to the test. They slide when you want them to and grip when you need them too, this is exactly what we look for in a wheel. Especially stoked because we never felt one wheel was limited to just one type of skating; street, parks, ledges, drops, etc. What was most surprising was powersliding down hills, slipping out, really trying to give them flatspots; fortunately for us they have an unmatched flatspot resistance. We highly suggest you give these a try!

Friday, August 9, 2013


TTT5 from TTT on Vimeo.

Timothy Melonakos put together another TTT video, and we couldn't be more stoked! TTT5 includes full parts from Glenn Calvert (team rider), Tim Melonakos (team alumni), Devin York, Uriel Ruvalcaba, Dylan Call and others. It also has a few clips of riders Jovi Bathemess, and Garrison Conklin. Enjoy!

Monday, July 22, 2013

"Soleil Levant" Salt Lake City Premiere

Pleased to announce that we will be hosting the Salt Lake City Premiere for Magenta skateboard's new full length video " Soleil Levant", at the Post Theater July 31 @ 7:30pm. Pre-sale tickets available for purchase at BC Sandy and BC Murray now for $3, or $5 at the door.

Here is the trailer for the video. Hope to see you there!

Product toss sponsored by BC, Coalatree Organics, Theories of Atlantis, and Magenta.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

"Forrest Does Downtown" Outtakes

Here is a couple of photo's that didn't make it into the mag. Both photo's are from the first of two days shooting for this article.

BS 50-50. Photo: Weston Colton

This angle definitely shows how gnarly the spot is. Unfortunately it is kind of hard to tell exactly where he is coming from so it was decided to use the other angle for the article.

FS 180. Photo: Weston Colton

Forrest warmed up with this FS 180 and must have done it at least 20 times. The cover shows this spot with everything above the sidewalk removed from the photo for a clean cover. I like this one because it captures downtown quite well.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Forrest Huber: "Forrest Does Downtown" in the June SLUG Magazine

Here is Forrest's cover, and article from the June issue of SLUG Magazine.
Photos: Weston Colton
Words: Weston Colton, Sam Milianta, and Jovi Bathemess

For this article, Forrest Huber, Jovi Bathemess, Sam Milianta, Gabe Dusserre and I met up near the library Downtown. We parked our cars, and set off on our boards to skate and shoot spontaneously––organically, if you will. While Forrest is the focus of this piece, I think it is important to note that we were rolling as a small group of friends. The friendly dynamic and atmosphere that was created helped some of these tricks come to life. These photos were all shot on two Saturdays in downtown Salt Lake City. We didn’t get all the photos we wanted to––sometimes a spot gets the best of you, sometimes you get kicked out before you even get a chance to skate––but we had fun, and that is all that really matters.

“I really got to know Forrest Huber about two years ago when it was decided that he was going to start working at BC [Surf and Sport] Sandy. It was immediately apparent that he has a great energy about him, is outgoing and up for any task at hand. Those qualities that make him a great employee also make him an amazing skateboarder. Since he started working at BC, we have become great friends. Whether it’s a trip to Vegas (where he had to get his picture taken with every street performer), skating Downtown as he’s blasting over every fire hydrant, or selling skate product, he has the ability to make everything more fun with his contagious, high energy. His ability to push himself and try new things also helps motivate everyone around him. Forrest skates for BC Surf & Sport, Toy Machine, Bro Style, Pig Wheels and Dekline footwear.” –Jovi Bathemess

The ollie is the foundation of nearly every trick in skateboarding. Forrest finished off the second Saturday with this Trolley Square bar hop on the edge of Downtown

I’ve always loved wall rides––they remind me of Natas and Mark Gonzales from the first skate magazines I ever read in 1990. With timeless style, Forrest easily handles this high-to-low wallride.

This is the one exception where we left Downtown. We drove up to the University of Utah to skate this bump to bar. Forrest got an ollie and this frontside 180 before the campus police rolled up on us and put a stop to the session. That ended the day, and we headed to Este for some pizza.

Forrest, backside 50-50. “When street skating finally became an acceptable form of skateboarding, skaters started to venture away from the backyard ramps and mall parking lots of the suburbs and into the city. Spots began to consist of alleys, hydrants, metal loading docks and every other inch of Downtown. Forrest is the embodiment of this. There are no real spots or lines. The entire street is the spot, and what happens between stoplights is the line.” –Sam Milianta


The super-smooth concrete at skateparks has made us all soft. Street skating brings all sorts of challenges to getting a trick. Rocks, cracks and scantily-clad club girls in the alley were all obstacles Forrest dealt with when he did this frontside 50-50 transfer into the bank.

Downtown is constantly growing and evolving. New spots are popping up all the time, sometimes only for a few days. Other spots have been around for years, but haven’t been skateable for one reason or another. If you keep your eyes open, you might find some new concrete has been poured, and suddenly, that rail you’ve looked at forever is perfect for this feeble transfer into a driveway bomb.

I think Chong did a manual off these ledges back in a ’90s Dirty Hessian video—Deth or Stigmata, I believe. It’s likely that Chong skated these ledges before Forrest was born. I love the look on kids’ faces when I tell them that Mark White kickflipped the IBM stairs over 15 years ago, or that there used to be a handrail down the middle and DJ Chavez boardslid it with huge, soft wheels. Downtown has a rich history of skating. It’s quite possible that this sandstone ledge has been 5-0’d before, but that’s not important. Forrest had never done it before. You just hit spots and then move on before you get kicked out.

Forrest, backside 180 nosegrind. “We live in Utah, home of the greatest snow on Earth. Snow just happens to be an enemy of the skateboard, so, to adapt, most of us have become accustomed to skating garages and indoor spots. At this point, it’s just another way that street skating has had to adapt over the years.” –Sam Milianta

"Skateboarding downtown has a lot to offer that can't really be found elsewhere. For me it's the spontaneous nature of it that makes it so enjoyable. You never really who you are going to see, the traffic you will have to deal with, or what you are going to skate. Generally all that is really known is the starting point because downtown lends itself to be one big skate spot. Why pick a single spot to drive to, or confine yourself to the controlled environment of the skatepark, when you can fully utilize the freedom that skateboarding is intended to give you when skating downtown?" -Jovi Bathemess

Check out the full issue here.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Photo Monday: Matt Winskowski at Provo

Photographs by Jovi Bathemess

 Backside 5-0 to Fakie.

Backside Noseblunt.

Backside Feeble.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bobby Puleo "V5", and Traffic Restock

New part, classic Puleo. Enjoy!

We also just restocked on some rad Traffic decks.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Spring/Summer Hopps Collection

All this and more available now! Including sun glasses, cruiser wheels, and more.

Hopps always does some of the best video offerings, and this is definitely no exception.
"Enjoy the Ride" - Hopps

Also make sure to check out Keep It Moving Mix Tape Vol. 1.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Photo Thursday: Jovi Bathemess

Switch Crook to Regular. Photo: Weston Colton

Switch Ollie. Photo: Weston Colton

Check out more of Weston's amazing skate photos here.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Deathwish Video is Coming!

This is the same theater where we premiered "Since Day One", and "Pretty Sweet".
Here is a link to the location of the Theater. Post Theater.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Photo Wednesday: Forrest Huber

Truck BS 50-50. Photo: Jovi Bathemess

 Crooked Grind. Photo: Jovi Bathemess

FS 50-50. Photo: Jovi Bathemess

All photos were shot during a rainy Sunday a few weeks back.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Politic is here!

We now offer Politic, including Danny Renaud's new pro model. Renaud has made an amazing return to skateboarding and you can read all about it here, "The Fall and Rise of Danny Renaud."

New Spring 13 deck series "Mental/Physical."

Here is a video from Politic's recent trip to Miami.

"Just a Taste" By: Brock Nielsen

Just A Taste from Brock Nielsen on Vimeo.

Here is a teaser for Brock's upcoming video. Featuring riders Garrison Conklin, Matt Winskowski, Sean Winskowski, and Jeffrey Delbert, along with a lot of other really rad dudes.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Photo Thursday: Forrest Huber

Ollie. Photo: Jovi Bathemess 

FS Wallride. Photo: Jovi Bathemess

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Garrison Conklin Goes VHS

New Garrison edit filmed via VHS! By: Jeff Griffin

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Magenta SP13

Click on the photo for a rad interview with man behind Magenta, Vivien Feil.

 New "Book" and "One-Off" series available in the shop now.

We also received Magenta's first offering of 5 Panel hats.

Magenta's PANIC IN GOTHAM from Magenta Skateboards on Vimeo.
Check out the latest Magenta video "Panic in Gotham." Documenting 11 days in NYC following hurricane Sandy.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Static IV Teaser

STATIC IV TEASER from Josh Stewart on Vimeo.

This is going to be amazing! Check the Theories Of Atlantis website to find out more about the video.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


The "Curb Dogs" series by Dylan Goldberger is available in the shop now.

We also received 3 new colors in the Hopps 5 Panel hat for 2013.

Watch Jahmal Williams and the Hopps crew skate through New York City at night.

Quartersnacks: Jahmal Williams 'Lost Tapes' Remix from Quartersnacks on Vimeo.

This "Lost Tapes" remix just came out today courtesy of Quartersnacks. Truly inspirational stuff. "Keep it Moving" - HOPPS

We also have more stuff pictured here so make sure to come into the shop to check it out!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Photo Saturday: Snowy Days/Making spots

Glenn Calvert, FS Boardslide. Photo: Jovi Bathemess

Forrest Huber, Feeble. Photo: Jovi Bathemess

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jeff by Jeff

Check out this rad edit of Jeffrey Delbert. Filmed and Edited by: Jeff Griffin