1. Calvert knows a lot about musicthat I wish I listened to at his age.Instead of being obsessed withwhatever new stuff is out, I’ve oftenheard Calvert talk about LeonardCohen and Miles Davis.
2. If you’re a skate nerd like me andwatch every new episode of the EpiclyLater’d show on the internet, you may have seen the recent episode about Ethan Fowler. They refer to Fowler asbeing the king of backside tricks. I’m making a bold claim that Calvert is theking of frontside. I’ve never seen a frontside 50-50 look so awesome.
3. Calvert is one of the only people I’ve ever seen do a frontside nosegrind ona transition in real life.

5. Calvert 50-50’d one of the gnarliest rails I have ever seen. He won’t goback to shoot a photo because he ripped his pants trying it. Therefore, youwon’t see it here. If anyone wants todonate a $50 Gap gift card to me tobuy Calvert some new pants, maybethe photo will appear in a future issue ofSLUG.
6. At one spot while we were shootingthis interview, Calvert slammed so hardhe broke the cement, AND he got upand tried the trick again and landed it.No joke.

7. Every time there is a contest at GuthrieSkatepark, the goal of most of thelocals is not to win but just to beat Glenn.Instead of being glad to place top five, Ihave heard Nick Suroka say, "at least Ibeat Glenn."
8. Micah Wood describes Calvert as"a wholesome young man."
9. Yom once hated Calvert in a mannervery similar to how Walter treats Donnyin the movie The Big Lebowski. Forthose of you who know who Yom is, thisbit of information is amazing.
10. Calvert recently lost a game of"horseface" so he could make out with acertain girl. Remember to ask him aboutit when you see him.
11. Calvert is hated on for no reason.Sorry, but that’s the truth. I don’tunderstand it, so maybe one of you canexplain it to me. By the end of shootingthis interview, I found myself shit-talkingCalvert and I really don’t know why. It’sone of those unexplainable things likestigmata and spontaneous combustion(I know this is fact 11, but only having 10is cliche).
Remember if you ever meet Calvert, talksome shit to him because he won’t knowwhat to do otherwise.
It all HERE
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